Postgres Write ahead log
Notes on the Postgres Write ahead log
Notes on the Postgres Write ahead log
A guide to getting involved in open-source projects
Pilates has had a huge positive impact on my life
Notes on secondary indexes
Notes on range queries with Badger db
A review of Database Internals by Alex Petrov
A guide to buying a mountain bike
A list of questions I like to ask in interview meetings to try and get an understanding of the company, the culture and the team
A list of books that my kids and I have enjoyed reading together
A review of Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppmann
A review of Log Structured Merge Tree
A comparison of column and row databases
A list of my contributions to opensource projects
A review of Resilience By Design by Ian Snape and Mike Weeks
A story about how I almost missed my flight to celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary
Notes on transactions and isolation levels
A review of Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte
A review of the Strong Mind Climbing Course
FoundationDB reference notes
Ableton Note is a music-making app for iOS. It is the first mobile music app that I've actually enjoyed using. It feels like Ableton Live and yet also feels completely new.
A project I’ve been working on over the last few months is implementing the new CouchDB javascript view server in Rust and then benchmarking how it compared to the official Cloudant View Server.
A project I’ve been working on over the last few months is implementing the new CouchDB javascript view server in Rust and then benchmarking how it compared to the official Cloudant View Server.