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I bought a [Mavic Air 2](https://www.dji.com/mavic-air-2?ref=garrensmith.com) drone earlier this year. And I have loved taking photographs with it. It brings a really unique perspective to view the world from. Take for example this shot of a small waterfall in Waterval Boven.
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_Waterfall in Waterval Boven_
The Mavic Air is a joy to fly, I always feel in control. It has good safety warnings to make sure I avoid all obstacles like running kids, large trees or overly aggressive pigeons. It is also really compact. It fits snuggly in my hiking bag, and is easy to take along on hikes.
Below are some of my favourite shots that I have taken with it over the last few months. The first set is shots taken in my home city of Johannesburg:
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![[Pasted image 20231209083628.png]]
_Johannesburg from the sky._
One of our favourite holiday places is [Tegwaan](https://www.tegwaan.co.za/?ref=garrensmith.com), in Waterval Boven. It is so peaceful, has great walks and the climbing is fantastic.
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_Waterval Boven_
Another favourite holiday spot is [The Cavern](https://www.cavern.co.za/accommodation/?ref=garrensmith.com) in the Drakensberg. We went there in winter, so it looks very dry and a little desolate. But it did make for some really interesting shots with a fair amount of contrast.
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_The Cavern in the Drakensberg_